Most stories start at the beginning, but not this story. For this story, it's best to start at the action point. The moment when TheCB.Co transformed from an idea that kept circling in my brain into a force I couldn't ignore, and I needed to act. That point in the story took place in Magic Kingdom's Fantasyland.

It was March 2019, and it was a beautiful day at Magic Kingdom. The sun was shining, the sky was a perfect blue, and a few puffy clouds were floating in the air.
I spent the morning racing from one ride to the next, and around 10:30am, as I exited from Under the Sea – Journey of the Little Mermaid, I found myself in need of a snack, so I started strolling towards the main area of Fantasyland.
I knew there was a food cart behind the carousel and close to Pinocchio Village Haus, and that seemed like the perfect place to enjoy a Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich.
As I made my way to the food cart, I did one of my favorite things to do at WDW, and that was to slow down and look at the magic. For me, the magic isn't always about the rides but rather seeing the magical memories being created for people around me.
From the excitement of watching a guest put on their new pair of Mickey Ears to the joy a grandparent has racing towards a ride with their grandchild, I LOVE it all. After I got my frozen treat, I found a bench to sit on and continued to enjoy the magic around me.
I saw children in costumes, families in matching shirts, wands bursting with bubbles, and then something else caught my eye. It was people character bounding. I'd seen it before; I myself had even bounded on previous trips, but as I sat in Fantasyland on that hot day in March, I realized I was seeing it more and more often, and I knew that this form of creativity and self-expression was something that resonated in my core.
For readers who may not be familiar with Character Bounding, the best way to answer the question of what is a Character Bound is to start at the beginning with the definition of a Disney Bound. "A Disney-bound (also referred to as a "Bound") is an outfit - but not a full costume - inspired by your favorite Disney character using items that you can find in your own closet or at your local mall." This definition comes from the person I consider as the original bounder, Leslie Kay, author of Disney Bound Dress Disney and Make it Fashion. TheCB.Co is not sponsored or endorsed by Leslie Kay. Yet, we believe it's essential to acknowledge the person who asked themselves what a character would wear in their day-to-day lives and founded a community where like-minded people connect to share their inspirations and bounds.
In her book, Leslie stresses that "Disney bounding is not about being recognized, but about how your outfit makes you feel on the inside," and it's with that sentiment that The Character Bounding Company was created.
Character Bounding is wearing an outfit composed of everyday clothing and accessories inspired by a fictional persona. A Character Bound follows the idea of a Disney Bound yet opens it up for a character from any story, movie, theme park, TV show, etc.
So, there I was with my ice cream sandwich melting in my hand, and my attention focused on the people walking through the park in their character bounds. The idea of bounding made me smile. It crossed generations where children could be in costumes and adults could join in the fun with similar themed bounds, or groups of friends could bound together; the options are limitless. It was at that point that my mind shifted from the clothing of bounds to accessories, finishing pieces that elevate an outfit and could be used to complete the story to a person's bound. Accessories can take an outfit from being something stylish to an ensemble that tells a story. It's a subtle way to add to your bound and complete the overall look. Amongst the daydreaming of lantern scarves, rose necklaces, and poison apple bracelets, a clearer idea took hold; I decided this bit of happiness doesn't have to be restricted to theme parks. We could bound in our everyday lives and we can add magic to every day! That realization was the action point for TheCB.Co. It was the moment when everything transformed from an idea to a dream that I was determined to make a reality.
Over the next few hours, my mind was bursting with ideas; I was calling my husband and talking at a pace that could only be described as equal to the speed Dash runs in the Incredibles. With inspirational ideas forming at a rapid rate, I needed to get them listed and logged as quickly as possible. I made video recordings to capture the pixie dust (my thoughts) as I walked past Peter Pan's Flight.
I typed notes on my phone as I waited in line at Haunted Mansion. I was Tangled up in doing internet searches and looking at domain registrations while sitting in Fantasyland, and I was bursting from my Inside Out with Joy. This idea was one that I fell in love with, and I believe others would too.
Character Bounding is not about creating a replica outfit; it's about being inspired by a character while embracing the freedom to express your true self. You can wrap yourself in a story and embrace a quality you admire from a character.
There you have it: the action point. It was sitting in Fantasyland when The Character Bounding Company transformed from an abstract idea into something more. With the belief that magic is real and anything is possible, TheCB.Co became part of your world, and I'm excited to share it with you.