Whether you visit our website, see us in the parks, or follow us on social media, there’s no denying that we love bounding.

Adding a bit of magic to every day by wearing accessories based on storybook characters makes me smile. Yet, as a small business owner I wondered, is there something more we should be doing? Can we pair our passion for bounding with a good cause?

The answer is yes; I’m happy to announce our project: Bounding and Caring – Partnering to Plant Trees (#BoundingAndCaring)!

We’ve partnered with One Tree Planted, a non-profit organization rooted in global reforestation that creates habitats for biodiversity and makes a positive social impact. Since 2014, One Tree Planted has planted more than 135.5 million trees in over 82 countries. Their spectacular track record and focus on getting trees in the ground to help everyone align perfectly with our choice of being a company that helps to improve the world and create a greener future.

Starting today, a portion of every bounding box sold will go towards planting trees to create a sustainable future for everyone.

Why Did We Choose Trees?
Trees connect to everything. They play a critical role in our planet’s climate, restoring ecosystems, supporting wildlife habitats, and improving air and water quality. Trees make a global impact. The more trees in the world, the better it is for all of us today and tomorrow. We believe that choosing trees fits TheCB.Co’s commitment to a healthier planet for future generations.

Who’s Covering the Donation?
We are! Our Bounding and Caring – Partnering to Plant Trees project does NOT change the cost of your bounding box. Our prices have remained the same to our consumers. The donations made as part of #BoundingAndCaring are from the TheCB.Co’s pockets and has no added expense to our customers.
So, What’s Next?
We’re hopeful this project will be the first of many future campaigns in which we can participate. As a small business, we want to continue growing and sharing our passion for bounding with fellow bounders around the world. Yet we also want to be part of improving the world, and we believe we can do both. We’re working to be a thriving small business whose definition of success includes helping to improve the world for future bounders.
